
The PrizePicks Esports Lab project began as a proof of concept, aiming to serve esports data in an organized manner for new users.

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The platform would aggregate data from multiple providers across different games, presenting it in an easy-to-understand interface. Over time, the goal expanded to convert these users into regular PrizePicks users by showcasing the top performers and aiding their predictions.


PrizePicks | Entertaintech


Full Stack Development
Project Management

Technological Stack


Ruby on Rails with PostgreSQL for the database and Redis for caching and background processes. The use of Sidekiq for background job processing and RabbitMQ for service communication was crucial for handling the real-time data demands of esports events.

Team code writting at Cloud9devs offices.


The frontend, managed through various iterations, relied on tools like Figma for design and GitHub Actions for deployment automation. The project utilized DigitalOcean for initial hosting, with plans to migrate to more robust environments to handle increased user load and data complexity.

PrizePicks platform

Testing and QA

The QA process involved both manual and automated testing, with a dedicated QA team joining later in the project's lifecycle. Tools for tracking test cases and ensuring functionality across deployments were essential for maintaining quality.

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Discussing the latest app we've built for our customer.

Daily syncs

Daily syncs initially served the internal development team but eventually expanded to include global stakeholders from various departments. This shift required careful management to maintain efficient communication and focus on critical issues.

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Project manager

A project manager joined to streamline processes, followed by a product owner from PrizePicks. This brought more structure to the project, including the creation of roadmaps and time plans.

Regular iterations and feedback loops were essential in refining the product and meeting user needs.

Aggregated and simplified data presentation helped users make informed predictions, increasing user engagement on the PrizePicks platform.

The project utilized full-stack development services from Cloud9devs, including backend and frontend development, QA testing, and project management.

Discussing the latest app we've built for our customer.