Canica — Post-launch activities
In this case study, we’ll look at the types of activities we conduct at Cloud9devs after a project goes live. Typically, after launch, we address items that were part of the MVP phase and shift focus to quality improvements. At the same time, we closely monitor the platform with the client and analyze bottlenecks and user behavior to plan the next steps and features that will bring the most value to the platform’s user base.

The project is live, and after the “birth cramps,” it’s time to look toward new activities. Naturally, these vary from project to project, and we typically focus on features that bring the most value to the client (and their user base).
Canica | Retail Tech
1. Post-launch planning phase
Normally, we have a planning phase where we review everything that’s left to do and make a list in a brainstorming session with the client. The brainstorming session is an intensive one-hour meeting where we prioritize features using the Value vs. Effort Matrix.

Work prioritization framework at Cloud9devs
On the X-axis, we have Value, and on the Y-axis, we have Effort. We place everything on the chart together with the client and then put it on an ordered list, as per the Scrum framework. Naturally, the order of these items changes over time as more is known, and additionally, new items get added as more information is revealed and presented to us.
2. The list is confirmed — what’s next?
We prepare a roadmap for the client that’s accessible to the key stakeholders. People can then monitor the progress and see what’s happening and when. We highly value transparency, as this reduces complexity and helps improve the flow of information. All this combined increases the success rate and ultimately the satisfaction of everyone involved.
Sprint backlog - tasks that need to be accomplished in the present Sprint.
The Product Owner (Agile Project Manager) prepares items in the product backlog, confirming the specifications with the client and adjusting the order based on feedback from the client. While doing this, the focus is on value delivery, meaning we prioritize the tasks/features that are the most beneficial for the client and the users.
3. Day2day activities
The development team has multiple activities during software development.
Daily standup meeting — This meeting happens at the same location and time every day. This reduces complexity, so people don’t have to think too much, which helps improve focus and ultimately the value we deliver.
Testing sessions — We usually conduct large testing sessions before a release, covering the system from A-Z, while also testing the new features. This is large-scale testing. Alongside these, each feature is also tested independently throughout the sprint as the development process happens.

Notes from testing sessions where the QA engineer marks which buttons in the application require IDs to fully integrate automation testing.
Client testing — Clients are encouraged to participate in the testing of new features as well as before the sprint deliverables are released to production. Their feedback is extremely important and sometimes helps to spot edge cases.
These are just a few examples, and of course, many more activities happen. Alongside these daily activities, there are other ones that don’t happen daily but are also important to mention. I will speak about those next.
Other events related to development, but those don’t happen on a daily basis
1. Sprint planning — This is where the Scrum team gathers to refine the product backlog, prepare the sprint backlog, and set the goal for the next 14 days.
2. Sprint retrospective — This internal meeting takes place after the sprint review. The focus is to observe what went well in the last sprint and what didn’t. It’s a time and place to discuss process improvements and changes that might be needed in the future.
3. Sprint review — This is where the whole team gathers (including the client) to review everything that was accomplished in the past 14 days. At the same time, we inspect the priorities and what needs to be worked on next. It’s important to also stop, review, and celebrate what we have achieved.
With the client’s participation in the sprint review, let’s look at why the client’s presence is valuable to us.
4. The role of the client and why they are so important?
It’s of significant importance that the client is involved and helping throughout activities, which helps to ensure the product is being developed with the client’s needs in mind. It’s also easier (and faster) to adapt to changes, and the feedback loop is shorter, which helps deliver value at a faster pace.

Most valued application features are written on sticky notes at a meeting with the client.
It’s of significant importance that the client is involved and helping throughout activities, which helps to ensure the product is being developed with the client’s needs in mind. It’s also easier (and faster) to adapt to changes, and the feedback loop is shorter, which helps deliver value at a faster pace. Key benefits are:
1. Value prioritization — Clients help prioritize features and set the scope for each iteration. This prioritization ensures that the most critical and high-value features are developed first, providing immediate business value and allowing for adjustments as the project progresses.
2. Short feedback loop — As the client is actively involved in the development phase, feedback received can be applied quickly, resulting in shorter development times and enhanced quick output.
3. Transparency and Accountability — Agile promotes transparency in the development process. Regular client involvement ensures that the client is aware of the project’s progress, challenges, and any deviations from the plan. This transparency fosters accountability and helps maintain realistic expectations.
4. Improved satisfaction — By involving the client throughout the development process, Agile ensures that their expectations are met more consistently. Regular demonstrations of progress and the opportunity to make adjustments help to ensure that the final product suits and meets the client’s needs.
5. Conclusion
When working on a project, typically after launch, we conduct an intensive brainstorming session with the client to decide what to do next. This information is then written down and transformed into individual user stories in the product backlog. This way, we ensure nothing gets lost.
In the upcoming sprints, we focus on the newly added tickets and create sprint goals for what we want to achieve. Naturally, things change quickly in this world, and this process gives us the ability to adapt to quick changes without impacting the output and the value the team creates.
In the end, let’s not forget the client and why their role is so important. We are there to create value for them, and without their input, it’s challenging, as we would have to make decisions based on assumptions and limited knowledge, which isn’t something we want to do.
Same as in life, transparency and honest communication are keys to success.